
Project Collaboration with Barclays Bank: Evolving Design Systems with Figma Migration




Design System


3 Months




Project Collaboration with Barclays Bank: Evolving Design Systems with Figma Migration




Design System


3 Months


Design Transformation Across Platforms: Sketch to Figma

Greetings! I'm excited to delve into my role as a UX Lead in a transformative collaboration with Barclays Bank. This project revolved around the migration of a design system from the Sketch platform to Figma. My responsibility was to orchestrate this migration, ensuring the seamless transfer of all components from platform A to platform B. This journey was a remarkable exercise in orchestrating change to enhance design efficiency and collaboration.

Guiding the Migration Journey

The challenge at hand was to smoothly transition the existing design system to Figma, aligning with Barclays Bank's vision for streamlined design processes. As a UX Lead, my role was crucial in coordinating the migration, which included transferring components, refining designs where necessary, and ensuring the entire organization was on board with the shift to Figma.

Driving the Transition

In the early stages, my focus was on assessing the existing design system on Sketch and strategizing its transition to Figma. This involved meticulous planning, understanding potential obstacles, and formulating a comprehensive roadmap for migration. My role extended to communicating the benefits of Figma to stakeholders and gaining their buy-in for the migration.

Implementing a Comprehensive Solution

The migration wasn't just about transferring files; it entailed recreating the entire design ecosystem on Figma. This encompassed transferring components, updating where needed, and ensuring design consistency across the new platform. This task required a deep understanding of both platforms, meticulous attention to detail, and a focus on preserving design integrity.

Empowering Designers

A unique aspect of this collaboration was introducing internal designers to Figma. As a tool unfamiliar to the team, I took on the role of coaching and training the designers to navigate Figma effectively. This coaching wasn't just about the tool but also about understanding the new design system and how it aligned with Barclays Bank's design ethos.

Culminating in Success

The project's success was evident in the seamless migration of the design system to Figma. By orchestrating this transition, we positioned Barclays Bank for enhanced design collaboration and efficiency. The coaching and training sessions I conducted empowered internal designers to leverage Figma to its fullest potential, fostering a culture of innovation.


My collaboration with Barclays Bank on the Figma migration project underscored the power of orchestrating change for enhanced design efficiency. By facilitating the migration, coaching internal designers, and preserving design integrity, we demonstrated how technology and collaboration can elevate design processes. This journey highlighted the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in the ever-evolving landscape of design tools and methodologies.

Design Transformation Across Platforms: Sketch to Figma

Greetings! I'm excited to delve into my role as a UX Lead in a transformative collaboration with Barclays Bank. This project revolved around the migration of a design system from the Sketch platform to Figma. My responsibility was to orchestrate this migration, ensuring the seamless transfer of all components from platform A to platform B. This journey was a remarkable exercise in orchestrating change to enhance design efficiency and collaboration.

Guiding the Migration Journey

The challenge at hand was to smoothly transition the existing design system to Figma, aligning with Barclays Bank's vision for streamlined design processes. As a UX Lead, my role was crucial in coordinating the migration, which included transferring components, refining designs where necessary, and ensuring the entire organization was on board with the shift to Figma.

Driving the Transition

In the early stages, my focus was on assessing the existing design system on Sketch and strategizing its transition to Figma. This involved meticulous planning, understanding potential obstacles, and formulating a comprehensive roadmap for migration. My role extended to communicating the benefits of Figma to stakeholders and gaining their buy-in for the migration.

Implementing a Comprehensive Solution

The migration wasn't just about transferring files; it entailed recreating the entire design ecosystem on Figma. This encompassed transferring components, updating where needed, and ensuring design consistency across the new platform. This task required a deep understanding of both platforms, meticulous attention to detail, and a focus on preserving design integrity.

Empowering Designers

A unique aspect of this collaboration was introducing internal designers to Figma. As a tool unfamiliar to the team, I took on the role of coaching and training the designers to navigate Figma effectively. This coaching wasn't just about the tool but also about understanding the new design system and how it aligned with Barclays Bank's design ethos.

Culminating in Success

The project's success was evident in the seamless migration of the design system to Figma. By orchestrating this transition, we positioned Barclays Bank for enhanced design collaboration and efficiency. The coaching and training sessions I conducted empowered internal designers to leverage Figma to its fullest potential, fostering a culture of innovation.


My collaboration with Barclays Bank on the Figma migration project underscored the power of orchestrating change for enhanced design efficiency. By facilitating the migration, coaching internal designers, and preserving design integrity, we demonstrated how technology and collaboration can elevate design processes. This journey highlighted the importance of adaptability and continuous learning in the ever-evolving landscape of design tools and methodologies.